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Investment Management with Straight Path Wealth Management

Investment Management

How do our clients "Invest Better"? It's by filtering out the hype and concentrating on only the things that research proves out as true. This means we use the latest academic research to build portfolios designed to succeed. It also means adjusting to crazy market cycles and economic situations using the opportunities that present themselves. But most importantly, it means designing portfolios our clients understand, and feel comfortable with, and allowing them to sleep at night, no matter what the market conditions. 

Straight Path Wealth Management Jenison

The "Invest Better" Process

Our investment committee is made up of over 65 years of experience, a CFA, CFP's, CPWA, CPA, and MBA. That's a lot of expertise that ensures the strategy and implementation are top-notch. Our four guiding principles are: 


Start With The Right Core Investments

 This means owning the right mix of stocks, bonds and international investments. This mix may be different for each client, but this is the first step towards controlling risk and setting the portfolio up for success.


Control The Costs

Tilt towards higher expected returns; Academic research has identified a few sections of the market that may lead to higher returns over long periods of time (10 years plus). Emphasizing these areas of the market sets the portfolios up for optimal returns.


Tilt Towards Higher Expected Returns

Tilt towards higher expected returns; Academic research has identified a few sections of the market that may lead to higher returns over long periods of time (10 years plus). Emphasizing these areas of the market sets the portfolios up for optimal returns


Guard Against Risks

Guard against risks: This takes many forms, some as part of the core portfolio, while some are ongoing strategic adjustments. But identifiying long term risks to the portfolio and guarding against those is vital to successful investing.

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